Use this API to get all the Portals.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.READ
Role | Number |
Owner | 1 |
Manager | 2 |
User | 3 |
ModuleType | Number |
Portal | 1 |
Workspace | 2 |
{ "portals": { "fetched" : [ { "portalID": "1", "name": "portal-1", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"]], "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"]], "createdTime" : 143698767882, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID", "isShared" : false, "planType" : "FREE PLAN", "isHomePortal" : true }, { "portalID": "2", "name": "portal-2", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"]], "createdTime" : 143698767886, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID", "isShared" : true, "planType" : "FREE PLAN", "isHomePortal" : false } ] }, "message": "Portals Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portals": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Portals", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.CREATE
portal_name * | string | Portal Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "portals": { "created" : [ { "portalID": "1", "name": "portal-1", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name"]] } ] }, "message": "Portals Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portals": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Portals", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update the name and description of a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
portal_name | string | Portal Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "portals": { "updated" : [ { "portalID": "1", "name": "portal-1" } ] }, "message": "Portals Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portals": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Portals", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a specific Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.DELETE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "portals": { "deleted" : [ { "portalID": "1", "name": "portal-1", "members" : [["mailID", "role","name"], ["mailID", "role","name"]], "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role"], ["mailID", "role"]], } ] }, "message": "Portals Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portals": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Portals", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the members of a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.READ
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Role | Number |
Super Admin | 1 |
Admin | 2 |
User | 3 |
{ "portalMembers": { "fetched" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name"], ["mailID", "role","name"]], "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role"], ["mailID", "role"]] } ] }, "message": "Portal Member(s) Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portalMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Portal Member(s)", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a member in a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.CREATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
email_id * | String | Email ID |
role * | int | role constant |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Super Admin | 1(Can't add user as Super Admin) |
Admin | 2 |
User | 3 |
{ "portalMembers": { "added" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name"]] (or) "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role"]] } ] }, "message": "Portal Member(s) Added Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portalMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": " "Error in Add Portal Member(s)"", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove member from a specific Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.DELETE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
email_id * | String | Email ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Super Admin | 1(Can't delete Super Admin) |
Admin | 2 |
User | 3 |
{ "portalMembers": { "deleted" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name"]] } ] }, "message": "Portal Member(s) Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portalMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Portal Member(s)", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the Workspaces of a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.READ
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Manager | 2 (or) 6 |
Editor | 2 |
Data Maintainer | 8 |
Commenter | 7 |
Viewer | 3 |
Base User | 5 |
ModuleType | Number |
Portal | 1 |
Workspace | 2 |
{ "workspaces": { "fetched" : [ { "workspaceID": "1", "name": "workspace-1", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"]], "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"]], "createdTime" : 143698767882, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID", "isHomeWorkspace" : true }, { "workspaceID": "2", "name": "workspace-2", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"]], "createdTime" : 143698767886, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID", "isHomeWorkspace" : true } ] }, "message": "Workspaces Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaces": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Workspaces", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new Workspace in a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.CREATE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
Workspace_name | string | Workspace Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "workspaces": { "created" : [ { "workspaceID": "2", "name": "workspace-2", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"]] } ] }, "message": "Workspaces Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaces": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Workspaces", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update the name of a Workspace in the Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
workspace_name * | string | Workspace Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "workspaces": { "updated" : [ { "workspaceID": "2", "name": "workspace-2", } ] }, "message": "Workspaces Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaces": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Workspaces", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a specific Workspace in a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.DELETE,ZohoTables.webhooks.DELETE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "workspaces": { "deleted" : [ { "workspaceID": "2", "name": "workspace-2", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name", "role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role", "name", "role's moduleType","userState"]] } ] }, "message": "Workspaces Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaces": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Workspaces", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to list down all the members of a Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.READ
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Manager | 2 (or) 6 |
Editor | 2 |
Data Maintainer | 8 |
Commenter | 7 |
Viewer | 3 |
Base User | 5 |
ModuleType | Number |
Portal | 1 |
Workspace | 2 |
{ "workspaceMembers": { "fetched" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role","name","role's moduleType","userState"]], "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"]] } ] }, "message": "Workspace Member(s) Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaceMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Workspace Member(s)", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a member in the Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.CREATE,ZohoCliq.Webhooks.CREATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
email_id * | string | Email ID |
role * | int | role constant |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Manager | 6 |
Editor | 2 |
Data Maintainer | 8 |
Commenter | 7 |
Viewer | 3 |
Base User | 5 |
ModuleType | Number |
Portal | 1 |
Workspace | 2 |
{ "workspaceMembers": { "added" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name","role's moduleType","userState"]] (or) "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"]] } ] }, "message": "Workspace Member(s) Added Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaceMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Add Workspace Member(s)", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove members from a specific Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.DELETE,ZohoTables.webhooks.DELETE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
email_id * | string | Email ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Manager | 6 |
Editor | 2 |
Data Maintainer | 8 |
Commenter | 7 |
Viewer | 3 |
Base User | 5 |
ModuleType | Number |
Portal | 1 |
Workspace | 2 |
{ "workspaceMembers": { "deleted" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name","role's moduleType","userState"]] } ] }, "message": "Workspace Member(s) Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaceMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Workspace Member(s)", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the Bases of a Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.READ
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "bases": { "fetched" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da", "createdTime" : 143698767882, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID" }, { "baseID": "2", "name": "base-2", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da", "createdTime" : 143698767882, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID" } ] }, "message": "Bases Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new Base in a Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.CREATE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
base_name | string | Base Name |
base_icon | Number | Base Icon |
base_color | Hex Code | Base Color |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Icon | Number |
BriefCaseIcon | 0 |
AnalysisIcon | 1 |
AnchourIcon | 2 |
ArchiveIcon | 3 |
BeakerIcon | 4 |
BellIcon | 5 |
BookIcon | 6 |
BookoneIcon | 7 |
AmbulanceIcon | 8 |
BugIcon | 9 |
BuildingIcon | 10 |
BulbIcon | 11 |
CalculatorIcon | 12 |
CalendarIcon | 13 |
CameraIcon | 14 |
ChatIcon | 15 |
CheckListIcon | 16 |
ClockIcon | 17 |
CloudIcon | 18 |
CodeIcon | 19 |
CoffeeIcon | 20 |
CogsIcon | 21 |
ConvertionIcon | 22 |
DashboardIcon | 23 |
DevelopmentIcon | 24 |
FavoriteIcon | 25 |
FlimIcon | 26 |
FolderIcon | 27 |
GlassCupIcon | 28 |
HomeIcon | 29 |
HospitalIcon | 30 |
ImageIcon | 31 |
InfoIcon | 32 |
LoudSpeakerIcon | 33 |
EmailIcon | 34 |
MarkerIcon | 35 |
MedicalKitIcon | 36 |
MicIcon | 37 |
MoonIcon | 38 |
MusicIcon | 39 |
OrganisationIcon | 40 |
PagesIcon | 41 |
PhoneIcon | 42 |
PlayerIcon | 43 |
RssIcon | 44 |
ScissorIcon | 45 |
ScreenShotIcon | 46 |
ShoppingIcon | 47 |
SpeakerIcon | 48 |
FloppyIcon | 49 |
TabletIcon | 50 |
TagsIcon | 51 |
TargetIcon | 52 |
TeaIcon | 53 |
TransportIcon | 54 |
TriggerIcon | 55 |
BaseUserIcon | 56 |
BaseUsersIcon | 57 |
WindowIcon | 58 |
{ "bases": { "created" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da" } ] }, "message": "Bases Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to duplicate a new Base in a Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.CREATE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
base_id * | string | Source Base Id |
base_name | string | Base Name |
base_icon | Number | Base Icon |
base_color | Hex Code | Base Color |
is_data_needed | boolean | By default it is true. Can be set as false if you want to duplicate the base without its data. |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Icon | Number |
BriefCaseIcon | 0 |
AnalysisIcon | 1 |
AnchourIcon | 2 |
ArchiveIcon | 3 |
BeakerIcon | 4 |
BellIcon | 5 |
BookIcon | 6 |
BookoneIcon | 7 |
AmbulanceIcon | 8 |
BugIcon | 9 |
BuildingIcon | 10 |
BulbIcon | 11 |
CalculatorIcon | 12 |
CalendarIcon | 13 |
CameraIcon | 14 |
ChatIcon | 15 |
CheckListIcon | 16 |
ClockIcon | 17 |
CloudIcon | 18 |
CodeIcon | 19 |
CoffeeIcon | 20 |
CogsIcon | 21 |
ConvertionIcon | 22 |
DashboardIcon | 23 |
DevelopmentIcon | 24 |
FavoriteIcon | 25 |
FlimIcon | 26 |
FolderIcon | 27 |
GlassCupIcon | 28 |
HomeIcon | 29 |
HospitalIcon | 30 |
ImageIcon | 31 |
InfoIcon | 32 |
LoudSpeakerIcon | 33 |
EmailIcon | 34 |
MarkerIcon | 35 |
MedicalKitIcon | 36 |
MicIcon | 37 |
MoonIcon | 38 |
MusicIcon | 39 |
OrganisationIcon | 40 |
PagesIcon | 41 |
PhoneIcon | 42 |
PlayerIcon | 43 |
RssIcon | 44 |
ScissorIcon | 45 |
ScreenShotIcon | 46 |
ShoppingIcon | 47 |
SpeakerIcon | 48 |
FloppyIcon | 49 |
TabletIcon | 50 |
TagsIcon | 51 |
TargetIcon | 52 |
TeaIcon | 53 |
TransportIcon | 54 |
TriggerIcon | 55 |
BaseUserIcon | 56 |
BaseUsersIcon | 57 |
WindowIcon | 58 |
{ "bases": { "duplicated" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da" } ] }, "message": "Bases Duplicated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Duplicate Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update name, icon and color of a Base in the Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
base_id * | string | Base Id |
base_name | string | Base Name |
base_icon | Number | Base Icon |
base_color | Hex Code | Base Color |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Icon | Number |
BriefCaseIcon | 0 |
AnalysisIcon | 1 |
AnchourIcon | 2 |
ArchiveIcon | 3 |
BeakerIcon | 4 |
BellIcon | 5 |
BookIcon | 6 |
BookoneIcon | 7 |
AmbulanceIcon | 8 |
BugIcon | 9 |
BuildingIcon | 10 |
BulbIcon | 11 |
CalculatorIcon | 12 |
CalendarIcon | 13 |
CameraIcon | 14 |
ChatIcon | 15 |
CheckListIcon | 16 |
ClockIcon | 17 |
CloudIcon | 18 |
CodeIcon | 19 |
CoffeeIcon | 20 |
CogsIcon | 21 |
ConvertionIcon | 22 |
DashboardIcon | 23 |
DevelopmentIcon | 24 |
FavoriteIcon | 25 |
FlimIcon | 26 |
FolderIcon | 27 |
GlassCupIcon | 28 |
HomeIcon | 29 |
HospitalIcon | 30 |
ImageIcon | 31 |
InfoIcon | 32 |
LoudSpeakerIcon | 33 |
EmailIcon | 34 |
MarkerIcon | 35 |
MedicalKitIcon | 36 |
MicIcon | 37 |
MoonIcon | 38 |
MusicIcon | 39 |
OrganisationIcon | 40 |
PagesIcon | 41 |
PhoneIcon | 42 |
PlayerIcon | 43 |
RssIcon | 44 |
ScissorIcon | 45 |
ScreenShotIcon | 46 |
ShoppingIcon | 47 |
SpeakerIcon | 48 |
FloppyIcon | 49 |
TabletIcon | 50 |
TagsIcon | 51 |
TargetIcon | 52 |
TeaIcon | 53 |
TransportIcon | 54 |
TriggerIcon | 55 |
BaseUserIcon | 56 |
BaseUsersIcon | 57 |
WindowIcon | 58 |
{ "bases": { "updated" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da" } ] }, "message": "Bases Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a specific Base in a Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.DELETE,ZohoTables.webhooks.DELETE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
base_id * | string | Base Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "bases": { "deleted" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da" } ] }, "message": "Bases Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the Bases whose names are matched with the search_string.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.READ
search_string * | string | String to Search |
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id | string | WorkspaceID to search inside a particular workspace |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "bases": { "searched" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da", "workspaceID" : "2", "workspaceName" : "workspace_2" }, { "baseID": "2", "name": "base-2", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da", "workspaceID" : "5", "workspaceName" : "workspace_5" } ] }, "message": "Bases Searched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Search Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the tables of a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.tables.READ
base_id * | string | Base Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "tables": { "fetched" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1", "recordsCount": 28, "fieldsCount": 12, "isActiveTable": true }, { "tableID": "2", "name": "table-2", "recordsCount": 5, "fieldsCount": 3, "isActiveTable": false } ] }, "message": "Tables Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.tables.CREATE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_name | string | Table Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "tables": { "created" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1", "recordsCount": 28, "fieldsCount": 12 }, ] }, "message": "Tables Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to duplicate a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.tables.CREATE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
table_name | string | Table Name |
is_duplicate_with_records | boolean | By default it is true. Can be set as false if you want to duplicate the table without its records |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "tables": { "duplicated" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1", "recordsCount": 28, "fieldsCount": 12 }, ] }, "message": "Tables Duplicated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Duplicate Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update the name of a Table in the Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.tables.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
table_name | string | Table Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "tables": { "updated" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1" }, ] }, "message": "Tables Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a specific Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.tables.DELETE,ZohoTables.webhooks.DELETE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "tables": { "deleted" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1" }, ] }, "message": "Tables Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get the details of all views for a specific Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.views.READ
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
View type | Number |
Grid | 1 |
Kanban | 2 |
Calendar | 3 |
Gallery | 4 |
Form | 6 |
{ "views": { "fetched" : [ { "viewID": "1", "name": "view-1", "description": "description", "type": "1", "isSortApplied" : true, "isFilterApplied" : false, "isActiveView": false }, { "viewID": "v2", "name": "view-2", "description": "description", "type": "2", "isSortApplied" : true, "isFilterApplied" : true, "isActiveView": true } ] }, "message": "Views Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new record to a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.CREATE,ZohoFiles.files.ALL,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "records": { "created": [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" } } ] }, "message": "Records Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Record", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a record from a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.DELETE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
record_id * | string | Record Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "records": { "deleted": [ { "recordID": "1", } ] }, "message": "Records Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Record", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new record to a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.CREATE,ZohoFiles.files.ALL,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE,ZohoCliq.Webhooks.CREATE
base_id * | String | Base Id |
table_id * | String | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
field_ids_with_values | JsonObject | The data that needs to be updated. Examples are given below. If field_ids_with_values is not provided, the record will be created with empty data. |
field_ids | JsonArray | Field Ids As Array |
values | JsonArray | Corresponding Values for fields As Array |
Note : field_ids_with_values JsonObject and field_ids and values JsonArray both will work for mentioning data. But field_ids_with_values JsonObject gets the high precedence. |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "records": { "created": [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" } } ] }, "message": "Records Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Record", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update the records of a Table in the Base, that matches the given criteria or record IDs.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.UPDATE,ZohoFiles.files.ALL,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE,ZohoCliq.Webhooks.CREATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
data * | string | The data that needs to be updated. Examples given below |
is_ids_used_in_data | boolean | By default it is false. Can be set as true if the field is specified by "ID" in data. |
criteria | string | If criteria is not set, all available records will get updated. Mention the criteria as described below. |
is_ids_used_in_params | boolean | By default it is false. Can be set as true if the field is specified by "ID" in criteria. |
first_match_only | boolean | By default it is false. If true and if there are multiple records on the specified criteria, records will be updated for first match alone. Otherwise, all the matched records will be updated. |
is_case_sensitive | boolean | By default it is true. Can be set as false for case-insensitive search. Note : Field names and conditions should be case-sensitive. This case-sensitive and case-insensitive search only applicable for the values in the criteria whose field type is any of the following : Text, URL, Email, Attachment, Link and Lookup if linked using any one of previously mentioned field types. |
is_upsert_needed | boolean | By default it is false. Can be set us true if needed. (upsert-If the criteria do not find a matching record, a new record will be created with the given data) |
record_ids | JSONArray | record IDs as array for updating records with given data. Note : you can give record IDs instead of criteria for updating records. record IDs have more precedence. The parameters first_match_only, is_case_sensitive, is_ids_used_in_params, and is_upsert_needed are specifically applicable when using criteria exclusively. |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Fields | Condition Types |
Numeric, Autonumber, Percentage, Rating, Currency, Formula and rollup field if return type is Number, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, <, <=, >, >=, is empty, is not empty |
URL, Email, Text, Attachment, Collaborator, PhoneNumber, Multi Select, Single Selection, CheckBox, Created by, Modified by, Keyword extraction, Language detection, Sentiment, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, contains, does not contains, starts with, ends with, is empty, is not empty |
Date, Created time, Modified Time, Formula and rollup field if return type is date, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, is empty, is not empty |
{ "records": { "updated": [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" } } ] }, "message": "Record(s) Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "created": [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" } } ] }, "message": "Record(s) Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }
Use this API to fetch the records of a Table in the Base, that matches the given criteria or record IDs. Get view specific details of those records by giving view ID in the request.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.READ
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View ID Note : View User must provide viewID. When a view ID is provided, additional information, such as height and visibility, is included in the response |
criteria | string | If criteria is not set, all available records will get fetched(max 500). Mention the criteria as described below. |
first_match_only | boolean | By default it is false. If true and if there are multiple records on the specified criteria, records will be fetched for first match alone. Otherwise, all the matched records will be fetched. |
is_case_sensitive | boolean | By default it is true. Can be set as false for case-insensitive search. Note : Field names and conditions should be case-sensitive. This case-sensitive and case-insensitive search only applicable for the values in the criteria whose field type is any of the following : Text, URL, Email, Attachment, Link and Lookup if linked using any one of previously mentioned field types |
is_ids_used_in_params | boolean | By default it is false. Can be set as true if the field is specified by "ID" in criteria. |
reference_record_id | string | Reference record ID. Note:Data fetch begins from the provided Record ID. If the specified record ID is not present, the fetch process begins from the first record ID matched criteria. |
count | int | No of records to fetch - max 500 (default 500) |
record_ids | JSONArray | record IDs as array for fetching records.You can add up to 500 IDs in this array. Note : you can give record IDs instead of criteria for fetching records.Record IDs have more precedence than criteria. The parameters first_match_only, is_case_sensitive, is_ids_used_in_params, reference_record_id, and count are specifically applicable when using criteria exclusively. |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Fields | Condition Types |
Numeric, Autonumber, Percentage, Rating, Currency, Formula and rollup field if return type is Number, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, <, <=, >, >=, is empty, is not empty |
URL, Email, Text, Attachment, Collaborator, PhoneNumber, Multi Select, Single Selection, CheckBox, Created by, Modified by, Keyword extraction, Language detection, Sentiment, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, contains, does not contains, starts with, ends with, is empty, is not empty |
Date, Created time, Modified Time, Formula and rollup field if return type is date, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, is empty, is not empty |
{ "records": { "fetched": [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" }, "visibility" : "true", //optional - if view_id provided "height" : 20.0 //optional - if view_id provided }, { "recordID": "r2", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" }, "visibility" : "false", //optional - if view_id provided "height" : 20.5 //optional - if view_id provided } ] }, "message": "Record(s) Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Records", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the fields and its details for a specific Table in a Base. Get view specific details of those fields by giving view_id in the request.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.READ
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Summary type | Number |
None | 0 |
Empty | 1 |
Filled | 2 |
Unique | 3 |
Percent-Filled | 4 |
Percent-Empty | 5 |
Percent-Unique | 6 |
Sum | 7 |
Average | 8 |
Min | 9 |
Max | 10 |
Median | 11 |
Range | 12 |
Standard Deviation | 13 |
Histogram | 14 |
Checked | 15 |
Unchecked | 16 |
Percent-Checked | 17 |
Percent-Unchecked | 18 |
Date Range In Days | 19 |
Date Range In Months | 20 |
Earliest Date | 21 |
Latest Date | 22 |
Total Attachment Size | 23 |
{ "fields": { "fetched" : [ { "fieldID": "1", "name": "field-1", "type": "23", "typeComponents" : { "textCase" : 1 } "defaultValue" : "Hello" "visibility" : "true", //optional - if view_id provided "width" : 20.0, //optional - if view_id provided "summary" : { //optional - if view_id provided "type" : "7", "value" : "10" } }, { "fieldID": "2", "name": "field-2", "type": "3", "typeComponents" : { "initialValue" : 1.0, "stepSize" : 2.0, "prefix" : "Rs.", "suffix" : "only" } "visibility" : "false", //optional - if view_id provided "width" : 20.5, //optional - if view_id provided "summary" : { //optional - if view_id provided "type" : "0", "value" : "" } } ] }, "message": "Fields Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "fields": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Fields", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new field to a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.CREATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
type | number | Field type |
Field type components can be added (as key value pair in the same request) based on the field type |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Note:- Default value for single selection field will be ignored during field creation, if given.
{ "fields": { "created" : [ { "fieldID": "1", "name": "field-1", "type": "6", "typeComponents" : { "symbol" : 10, "symbolPosition" : 2, "thousandSeparator" : 1, "precision" : 2 }, "defaultValue" : null } ] }, "message": "Fields Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "fields": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Fields", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to change name, type and/or type components of the field in a Table.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
field_name | string | Field name |
type * | number | Field type |
Field type components can be added (as key value pair in the same request) based on the field type |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "fields": { "updated" : [ { "fieldID": "1", "name": "field-1", "type": "15", "typeComponents" : { "precision" : 2, "thousandSeparator" : 0 }, "defaultValue" : "50" } ] }, "message": "Field(s) Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "fields": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Fields", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a field from a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.DELETE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "fields": { "deleted" : [ { "fieldID": "1", "name": "field-1" } ] }, "message": "Fields Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "fields": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Fields", "status": "failure" }
Field Type Constants | Number |
Attachments | 2 |
Auto-Number | 3 |
Created-Time | 5 |
Currency | 6 |
Date-Time | 7 |
9 | |
Modified-Time | 12 |
Number | 15 |
Percent | 16 |
Phone-Number | 17 |
Text | 23 |
Url | 24 |
CheckBox | 4 |
SingleSelection | 21 |
MultipleSelection | 13 |
Rating | 19 |
Formula | 10 |
Collaborator | 18 |
Created-By | 25 |
Modified-By | 26 |
Link | 30 |
Lookup | 27 |
Rollup | 31 |
Sentimental-Analysis | 32 |
Language-Detection | 33 |
Keyword-Extraction | 34 |
Field Type | Components | Component Type |
Auto-Number | initial_value | double |
step_size | double | |
prefix | string | |
suffix | string | |
Date-Time/Created-Time/ Modified-Time | date_format | int |
time_format | int | |
Currency | precision | int |
thousand_separator | int | |
symbol | int | |
symbol_position | int | |
default_value | string | |
Number | precision | int |
thousand_separator | int | |
default_value | string | |
Percent | precision | int |
thousand_separator | int | |
show_theme | int | |
default_value | string | |
Phone-Number | phone_number_format | String |
Text | text_case | int |
default_value | string | |
Checkbox | style | int |
color | String | |
default_value | boolean | |
Rating | style | int |
color | String | |
max_limit | int | |
SingleSelection | show_theme | int |
default_value | string | |
MultipleSelection | show_theme | int |
Email/URL | - | - |
Attachments | - | - |
Collaborator | multiple_value_support | int |
notify_members | int | |
Link | mirror_field_id | string |
restricted_to_view_id | string | |
relationship_direction | int | |
source_table_id | string | |
destination_table_id | string | |
Lookup | link_field_id | string |
mirror_field_id | string | |
Rollup | link_field_id | string |
mirror_field_id | string | |
formula_constant | int | |
Formula | formula_string | string |
return_formats | JsonArray | |
return_formats: [ { return_type, parameters : { it will change w.r.t return_type } } ] | int JsonObject | |
CreatedBy/ModifiedBy | - | - |
Sentimental-Analysis | source_field_id | string |
angry_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
disappointed_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
sarcastic_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
neutral_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
happy_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
extremely_happy_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
JsonObject format: { emotion_name emoji_type } | string int | |
Language-Detection | source_field_id | string |
Keyword-Extraction | source_field_id | string |
max_number_of_keywords | int | |
restricted_keywords | JsonArray | |
JsonArray format: [ Keywords to be restricted ] | string |
COLORS: ["9277e7", "e568a5", "45b1d8", "6575da", "61be6a", "f19b4e", "d66060", "4c93fe", "e1a539", "68737c"]
Date Formats | Value |
EUROPE | 2 |
US | 3 |
ISO | 4 |
Time Formats | Value |
NONE | 0 |
HR24 | 1 |
HR12 | 2 |
Currency Symbols | Value |
USD | 1 |
EUR | 2 |
GBP | 3 |
JPY | 4 |
CAD | 5 |
AUD | 6 |
CNY | 7 |
CHF | 8 |
SGD | 9 |
INR | 10 |
ZAR | 11 |
Currency Symbol Position | Value |
FIRST | 2 |
LAST | 3 |
NONE | 5 |
Thousand Separator | Value |
Text Case | Value |
AS_ENTRY | 1 |
LOWER | 3 |
UPPER | 4 |
NONE | 0 |
ONE | 1 |
TWO | 2 |
THREE | 3 |
Rating Symbols | Value |
HEART | 1 |
STAR | 2 |
FLAG | 3 |
THUMB | 4 |
SMILY | 8 |
SHIELD | 9 |
CheckBox Symbols | Value |
HEART | 1 |
STAR | 2 |
FLAG | 3 |
THUMB | 4 |
BADGE | 6 |
Phone Number Format | Value |
CONTINUOUS | xxxxxxxxxx |
HYPHEN_SEPARATED | xxx-xxx-xxxx |
AREA_CODE_SEPARATION | xxx xxx-xxxx |
SPACE_SEPARATED | xxx xxx xxxx |
DOMESTIC | (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
Formula Return Types | Value |
STRING | 2 |
Formula Constants | Value |
COUNT | 34 |
COUNTA | 35 |
Formulas |
OR |
Expression | Type of emojis | Emoji type |
ANGRY | RAGE (😡) | 1 |
ANGRY (😠) | 2 | |
ANNOYED (😤) | 3 | |
DISAPPOINTED (😞) | 2 | |
SLEEPY (😪) | 3 | |
SARCASM | SMIRK (😏) | 1 |
UNAMUSED (😒) | 2 | |
UPSIDE_DOWN_FACE (🙃) | 3 | |
ZIPPER_MOUTH (🤐) | 3 | |
HAPPY | BLUSH (😊) | 1 |
HAPPY (☺️) | 2 | |
HALO_HAPPY (😇) | 3 | |
GRIN (😁) | 2 | |
JOY (😂) | 3 |
Use this API to add a new selection option in a Field.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.CREATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
selection_option_name | string | Selection Option Name |
selection_option_color | hex code | Selection Option Color |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "selectionOptions": { "created": [ { "fieldID": "2", "options": [ { "optionID": "1", "name": "True", "color": "0X66,60" } ] } ] }, "message": "Selection Option(s) Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "selectionOptions": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Selection Options", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to delete the selection option in a Field.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.DELETE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
selection_option_id * | string | Selection Option Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "selectionOptions": { "deleted": [ { "fieldID": "2", "options": [ { "optionID": "3", "name": "True", "color": "0X66,60" } ] } ] }, "message": "Selection Option(s) Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "selectionOptions": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Selection Options", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update the name and color of a selection option in a Field.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
selection_option_id * | string | Selection Option Id |
selection_option_name | string | Selection Option Name |
selection_option_color | hex code | Selection Option Color |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "selectionOptions": { "updated": [ { "fieldID": "2", "options": [ { "optionID": "3", "name": "True", "color": "0X66,60" } ] } ] }, "message": "Selection Option(s) Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "selectionOptions": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Selection Options", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get the list of all records and its data for a specific Table in a Base. Get view specific details of those records by giving view_id in the request.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.READ
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
record_id | string | Reference record id |
count | int | No of records to fetch - max 500 |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "records": { "fetched" : [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data in field id f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data in field id f2" }, "visibility" : "true", //optional - if view_id provided "height" : 20.0 //optional - if view_id provided }, { "recordID": "r2", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data in field id f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data in field id f2" }, "visibility" : "false", //optional - if view_id provided "height" : 20.5 //optional - if view_id provided } ] }, "message": "Records Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Records", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update a field's value of a Record in a Table in a Base.
oauthscope :,ZohoFiles.files.ALL,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE,ZohoCliq.Webhooks.CREATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
record_id * | string | Record Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
data * | string | Data |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "cells": { "submitted" : { "fieldID" : "f0", "recordID" : "r0", "data" : "zoho", "validity" : true } }, "message": "Cell Values Submitted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "cells": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Submit Cell Values", "status": "failure" }
404 | INVALID ID(S) |
Use this API to export the base/table/view
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.READ,ZohoTables.tables.READ,ZohoTables.views.READ,WorkDrive.files.ALL
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id |
scope* | string | base|table|view |
file_type* | string | csv|xls|xlsx|tsv|ics |
password | string | To get Password protected file |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Scope | Supported FileTypes |
base | xlsx |
table | csv|tsv|xlsx |
view | calendar - ics, others - xlsx |
File will be download
Use this API to import the base/table from the files
oauthscope : ZohoTables.import.CREATE,WorkDrive.teamfolders.ALL,WorkDrive.files.ALL,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
import_scope * | string | base|table |
portal_id * | string | Portal ID - Mandatory if, import_scope == base |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID -Mandatory if, import_scope == base |
base_id * | string | Base ID - Mandatory if, import_scope == table |
import_file * | file | xls|xlsx|xlsm|ods|csv|tsv|accdb|mdb. Max file size: 5MB |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
BASE IMPORT { "bases": { "imported" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da" } ] }, "message": "Bases Imported Successfully", "status": "success" } TABLE IMPORT { "tables": { "imported" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1", "recordsCount": 28, "fieldsCount": 12 }, ] }, "message": "Tables Imported Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "error" : { "code" : 400 "message" : "FILE HAS EMPTY CONTENT" } }
Hey! Click here to test Zoho Tables API services.
Use this API to get all the Portals.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.READ
Role | Number |
Owner | 1 |
Manager | 2 |
User | 3 |
ModuleType | Number |
Portal | 1 |
Workspace | 2 |
{ "portals": { "fetched" : [ { "portalID": "1", "name": "portal-1", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"]], "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"]], "createdTime" : 143698767882, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID", "isShared" : false, "planType" : "FREE PLAN", "isHomePortal" : true }, { "portalID": "2", "name": "portal-2", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"]], "createdTime" : 143698767886, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID", "isShared" : true, "planType" : "FREE PLAN", "isHomePortal" : false } ] }, "message": "Portals Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portals": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Portals", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.CREATE
portal_name * | string | Portal Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "portals": { "created" : [ { "portalID": "1", "name": "portal-1", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name"]] } ] }, "message": "Portals Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portals": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Portals", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update the name and description of a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
portal_name | string | Portal Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "portals": { "updated" : [ { "portalID": "1", "name": "portal-1" } ] }, "message": "Portals Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portals": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Portals", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a specific Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.DELETE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "portals": { "deleted" : [ { "portalID": "1", "name": "portal-1", "members" : [["mailID", "role","name"], ["mailID", "role","name"]], "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role"], ["mailID", "role"]], } ] }, "message": "Portals Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portals": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Portals", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the members of a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.READ
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Role | Number |
Super Admin | 1 |
Admin | 2 |
User | 3 |
{ "portalMembers": { "fetched" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name"], ["mailID", "role","name"]], "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role"], ["mailID", "role"]] } ] }, "message": "Portal Member(s) Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portalMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Portal Member(s)", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a member in a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.CREATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
email_id * | String | Email ID |
role * | int | role constant |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Super Admin | 1(Can't add user as Super Admin) |
Admin | 2 |
User | 3 |
{ "portalMembers": { "added" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name"]] (or) "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role"]] } ] }, "message": "Portal Member(s) Added Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portalMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": " "Error in Add Portal Member(s)"", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove member from a specific Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.portals.DELETE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
email_id * | String | Email ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Super Admin | 1(Can't delete Super Admin) |
Admin | 2 |
User | 3 |
{ "portalMembers": { "deleted" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name"]] } ] }, "message": "Portal Member(s) Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "portalMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Portal Member(s)", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the Workspaces of a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.READ
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Manager | 2 (or) 6 |
Editor | 2 |
Data Maintainer | 8 |
Commenter | 7 |
Viewer | 3 |
Base User | 5 |
ModuleType | Number |
Portal | 1 |
Workspace | 2 |
{ "workspaces": { "fetched" : [ { "workspaceID": "1", "name": "workspace-1", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"]], "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"]], "createdTime" : 143698767882, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID", "isHomeWorkspace" : true }, { "workspaceID": "2", "name": "workspace-2", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"]], "createdTime" : 143698767886, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID", "isHomeWorkspace" : true } ] }, "message": "Workspaces Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaces": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Workspaces", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new Workspace in a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.CREATE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
Workspace_name | string | Workspace Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "workspaces": { "created" : [ { "workspaceID": "2", "name": "workspace-2", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name","role's moduleType","userState"]] } ] }, "message": "Workspaces Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaces": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Workspaces", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update the name of a Workspace in the Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
workspace_name * | string | Workspace Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "workspaces": { "updated" : [ { "workspaceID": "2", "name": "workspace-2", } ] }, "message": "Workspaces Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaces": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Workspaces", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a specific Workspace in a Portal.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.DELETE,ZohoTables.webhooks.DELETE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "workspaces": { "deleted" : [ { "workspaceID": "2", "name": "workspace-2", "members" : [["mailID", "role", "name", "role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role", "name", "role's moduleType","userState"]] } ] }, "message": "Workspaces Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaces": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Workspaces", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to list down all the members of a Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.READ
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Manager | 2 (or) 6 |
Editor | 2 |
Data Maintainer | 8 |
Commenter | 7 |
Viewer | 3 |
Base User | 5 |
ModuleType | Number |
Portal | 1 |
Workspace | 2 |
{ "workspaceMembers": { "fetched" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role","name","role's moduleType","userState"]], "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"], ["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"]] } ] }, "message": "Workspace Member(s) Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaceMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Workspace Member(s)", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a member in the Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.CREATE,ZohoCliq.Webhooks.CREATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
email_id * | string | Email ID |
role * | int | role constant |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Manager | 6 |
Editor | 2 |
Data Maintainer | 8 |
Commenter | 7 |
Viewer | 3 |
Base User | 5 |
ModuleType | Number |
Portal | 1 |
Workspace | 2 |
{ "workspaceMembers": { "added" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name","role's moduleType","userState"]] (or) "invitedMembers" : [["mailID", "role","role's moduleType","userState"]] } ] }, "message": "Workspace Member(s) Added Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaceMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Add Workspace Member(s)", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove members from a specific Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.workspaces.DELETE,ZohoTables.webhooks.DELETE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
email_id * | string | Email ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Roles | Constant |
Manager | 6 |
Editor | 2 |
Data Maintainer | 8 |
Commenter | 7 |
Viewer | 3 |
Base User | 5 |
ModuleType | Number |
Portal | 1 |
Workspace | 2 |
{ "workspaceMembers": { "deleted" : [ { "members" : [["mailID", "role","name","role's moduleType","userState"]] } ] }, "message": "Workspace Member(s) Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "workspaceMembers": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code >>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Workspace Member(s)", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the Bases of a Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.READ
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "bases": { "fetched" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da", "createdTime" : 143698767882, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID" }, { "baseID": "2", "name": "base-2", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da", "createdTime" : 143698767882, "createdBy" : "name", "createdByMailID" : "mailID", "lastModifiedTime" : 143698767882, "lastModifiedBy" : "name", "lastModifiedByMailID" : "mailID" } ] }, "message": "Bases Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new Base in a Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.CREATE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
base_name | string | Base Name |
base_icon | Number | Base Icon |
base_color | Hex Code | Base Color |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Icon | Number |
BriefCaseIcon | 0 |
AnalysisIcon | 1 |
AnchourIcon | 2 |
ArchiveIcon | 3 |
BeakerIcon | 4 |
BellIcon | 5 |
BookIcon | 6 |
BookoneIcon | 7 |
AmbulanceIcon | 8 |
BugIcon | 9 |
BuildingIcon | 10 |
BulbIcon | 11 |
CalculatorIcon | 12 |
CalendarIcon | 13 |
CameraIcon | 14 |
ChatIcon | 15 |
CheckListIcon | 16 |
ClockIcon | 17 |
CloudIcon | 18 |
CodeIcon | 19 |
CoffeeIcon | 20 |
CogsIcon | 21 |
ConvertionIcon | 22 |
DashboardIcon | 23 |
DevelopmentIcon | 24 |
FavoriteIcon | 25 |
FlimIcon | 26 |
FolderIcon | 27 |
GlassCupIcon | 28 |
HomeIcon | 29 |
HospitalIcon | 30 |
ImageIcon | 31 |
InfoIcon | 32 |
LoudSpeakerIcon | 33 |
EmailIcon | 34 |
MarkerIcon | 35 |
MedicalKitIcon | 36 |
MicIcon | 37 |
MoonIcon | 38 |
MusicIcon | 39 |
OrganisationIcon | 40 |
PagesIcon | 41 |
PhoneIcon | 42 |
PlayerIcon | 43 |
RssIcon | 44 |
ScissorIcon | 45 |
ScreenShotIcon | 46 |
ShoppingIcon | 47 |
SpeakerIcon | 48 |
FloppyIcon | 49 |
TabletIcon | 50 |
TagsIcon | 51 |
TargetIcon | 52 |
TeaIcon | 53 |
TransportIcon | 54 |
TriggerIcon | 55 |
BaseUserIcon | 56 |
BaseUsersIcon | 57 |
WindowIcon | 58 |
{ "bases": { "created" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da" } ] }, "message": "Bases Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to duplicate a new Base in a Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.CREATE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID |
base_id * | string | Source Base Id |
base_name | string | Base Name |
base_icon | Number | Base Icon |
base_color | Hex Code | Base Color |
is_data_needed | boolean | By default it is true. Can be set as false if you want to duplicate the base without its data. |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Icon | Number |
BriefCaseIcon | 0 |
AnalysisIcon | 1 |
AnchourIcon | 2 |
ArchiveIcon | 3 |
BeakerIcon | 4 |
BellIcon | 5 |
BookIcon | 6 |
BookoneIcon | 7 |
AmbulanceIcon | 8 |
BugIcon | 9 |
BuildingIcon | 10 |
BulbIcon | 11 |
CalculatorIcon | 12 |
CalendarIcon | 13 |
CameraIcon | 14 |
ChatIcon | 15 |
CheckListIcon | 16 |
ClockIcon | 17 |
CloudIcon | 18 |
CodeIcon | 19 |
CoffeeIcon | 20 |
CogsIcon | 21 |
ConvertionIcon | 22 |
DashboardIcon | 23 |
DevelopmentIcon | 24 |
FavoriteIcon | 25 |
FlimIcon | 26 |
FolderIcon | 27 |
GlassCupIcon | 28 |
HomeIcon | 29 |
HospitalIcon | 30 |
ImageIcon | 31 |
InfoIcon | 32 |
LoudSpeakerIcon | 33 |
EmailIcon | 34 |
MarkerIcon | 35 |
MedicalKitIcon | 36 |
MicIcon | 37 |
MoonIcon | 38 |
MusicIcon | 39 |
OrganisationIcon | 40 |
PagesIcon | 41 |
PhoneIcon | 42 |
PlayerIcon | 43 |
RssIcon | 44 |
ScissorIcon | 45 |
ScreenShotIcon | 46 |
ShoppingIcon | 47 |
SpeakerIcon | 48 |
FloppyIcon | 49 |
TabletIcon | 50 |
TagsIcon | 51 |
TargetIcon | 52 |
TeaIcon | 53 |
TransportIcon | 54 |
TriggerIcon | 55 |
BaseUserIcon | 56 |
BaseUsersIcon | 57 |
WindowIcon | 58 |
{ "bases": { "duplicated" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da" } ] }, "message": "Bases Duplicated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Duplicate Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update name, icon and color of a Base in the Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.UPDATE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
base_id * | string | Base Id |
base_name | string | Base Name |
base_icon | Number | Base Icon |
base_color | Hex Code | Base Color |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Icon | Number |
BriefCaseIcon | 0 |
AnalysisIcon | 1 |
AnchourIcon | 2 |
ArchiveIcon | 3 |
BeakerIcon | 4 |
BellIcon | 5 |
BookIcon | 6 |
BookoneIcon | 7 |
AmbulanceIcon | 8 |
BugIcon | 9 |
BuildingIcon | 10 |
BulbIcon | 11 |
CalculatorIcon | 12 |
CalendarIcon | 13 |
CameraIcon | 14 |
ChatIcon | 15 |
CheckListIcon | 16 |
ClockIcon | 17 |
CloudIcon | 18 |
CodeIcon | 19 |
CoffeeIcon | 20 |
CogsIcon | 21 |
ConvertionIcon | 22 |
DashboardIcon | 23 |
DevelopmentIcon | 24 |
FavoriteIcon | 25 |
FlimIcon | 26 |
FolderIcon | 27 |
GlassCupIcon | 28 |
HomeIcon | 29 |
HospitalIcon | 30 |
ImageIcon | 31 |
InfoIcon | 32 |
LoudSpeakerIcon | 33 |
EmailIcon | 34 |
MarkerIcon | 35 |
MedicalKitIcon | 36 |
MicIcon | 37 |
MoonIcon | 38 |
MusicIcon | 39 |
OrganisationIcon | 40 |
PagesIcon | 41 |
PhoneIcon | 42 |
PlayerIcon | 43 |
RssIcon | 44 |
ScissorIcon | 45 |
ScreenShotIcon | 46 |
ShoppingIcon | 47 |
SpeakerIcon | 48 |
FloppyIcon | 49 |
TabletIcon | 50 |
TagsIcon | 51 |
TargetIcon | 52 |
TeaIcon | 53 |
TransportIcon | 54 |
TriggerIcon | 55 |
BaseUserIcon | 56 |
BaseUsersIcon | 57 |
WindowIcon | 58 |
{ "bases": { "updated" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da" } ] }, "message": "Bases Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a specific Base in a Workspace.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.DELETE,ZohoTables.webhooks.DELETE
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
base_id * | string | Base Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "bases": { "deleted" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da" } ] }, "message": "Bases Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the Bases whose names are matched with the search_string.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.READ
search_string * | string | String to Search |
portal_id * | long | Portal ID |
workspace_id | string | WorkspaceID to search inside a particular workspace |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "bases": { "searched" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da", "workspaceID" : "2", "workspaceName" : "workspace_2" }, { "baseID": "2", "name": "base-2", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da", "workspaceID" : "5", "workspaceName" : "workspace_5" } ] }, "message": "Bases Searched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "bases": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Search Bases", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the tables of a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.tables.READ
base_id * | string | Base Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "tables": { "fetched" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1", "recordsCount": 28, "fieldsCount": 12, "isActiveTable": true }, { "tableID": "2", "name": "table-2", "recordsCount": 5, "fieldsCount": 3, "isActiveTable": false } ] }, "message": "Tables Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.tables.CREATE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_name | string | Table Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "tables": { "created" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1", "recordsCount": 28, "fieldsCount": 12 }, ] }, "message": "Tables Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to duplicate a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.tables.CREATE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
table_name | string | Table Name |
is_duplicate_with_records | boolean | By default it is true. Can be set as false if you want to duplicate the table without its records |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "tables": { "duplicated" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1", "recordsCount": 28, "fieldsCount": 12 }, ] }, "message": "Tables Duplicated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Duplicate Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update the name of a Table in the Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.tables.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
table_name | string | Table Name |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "tables": { "updated" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1" }, ] }, "message": "Tables Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a specific Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.tables.DELETE,ZohoTables.webhooks.DELETE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "tables": { "deleted" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1" }, ] }, "message": "Tables Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get the details of all views for a specific Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.views.READ
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
View type | Number |
Grid | 1 |
Kanban | 2 |
Calendar | 3 |
Gallery | 4 |
Form | 6 |
{ "views": { "fetched" : [ { "viewID": "1", "name": "view-1", "description": "description", "type": "1", "isSortApplied" : true, "isFilterApplied" : false, "isActiveView": false }, { "viewID": "v2", "name": "view-2", "description": "description", "type": "2", "isSortApplied" : true, "isFilterApplied" : true, "isActiveView": true } ] }, "message": "Views Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "tables": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Tables", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new record to a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.CREATE,ZohoFiles.files.ALL,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "records": { "created": [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" } } ] }, "message": "Records Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Record", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a record from a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.DELETE,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
record_id * | string | Record Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "records": { "deleted": [ { "recordID": "1", } ] }, "message": "Records Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Record", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new record to a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.CREATE,ZohoFiles.files.ALL,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE,ZohoCliq.Webhooks.CREATE
base_id * | String | Base Id |
table_id * | String | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
field_ids_with_values | JsonObject | The data that needs to be updated. Examples are given below. If field_ids_with_values is not provided, the record will be created with empty data. |
field_ids | JsonArray | Field Ids As Array |
values | JsonArray | Corresponding Values for fields As Array |
Note : field_ids_with_values JsonObject and field_ids and values JsonArray both will work for mentioning data. But field_ids_with_values JsonObject gets the high precedence. |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "records": { "created": [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" } } ] }, "message": "Records Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Record", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update the records of a Table in the Base, that matches the given criteria or record IDs.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.UPDATE,ZohoFiles.files.ALL,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE,ZohoCliq.Webhooks.CREATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
data * | string | The data that needs to be updated. Examples given below |
is_ids_used_in_data | boolean | By default it is false. Can be set as true if the field is specified by "ID" in data. |
criteria | string | If criteria is not set, all available records will get updated. Mention the criteria as described below. |
is_ids_used_in_params | boolean | By default it is false. Can be set as true if the field is specified by "ID" in criteria. |
first_match_only | boolean | By default it is false. If true and if there are multiple records on the specified criteria, records will be updated for first match alone. Otherwise, all the matched records will be updated. |
is_case_sensitive | boolean | By default it is true. Can be set as false for case-insensitive search. Note : Field names and conditions should be case-sensitive. This case-sensitive and case-insensitive search only applicable for the values in the criteria whose field type is any of the following : Text, URL, Email, Attachment, Link and Lookup if linked using any one of previously mentioned field types. |
is_upsert_needed | boolean | By default it is false. Can be set us true if needed. (upsert-If the criteria do not find a matching record, a new record will be created with the given data) |
record_ids | JSONArray | record IDs as array for updating records with given data. Note : you can give record IDs instead of criteria for updating records. record IDs have more precedence. The parameters first_match_only, is_case_sensitive, is_ids_used_in_params, and is_upsert_needed are specifically applicable when using criteria exclusively. |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Fields | Condition Types |
Numeric, Autonumber, Percentage, Rating, Currency, Formula and rollup field if return type is Number, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, <, <=, >, >=, is empty, is not empty |
URL, Email, Text, Attachment, Collaborator, PhoneNumber, Multi Select, Single Selection, CheckBox, Created by, Modified by, Keyword extraction, Language detection, Sentiment, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, contains, does not contains, starts with, ends with, is empty, is not empty |
Date, Created time, Modified Time, Formula and rollup field if return type is date, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, is empty, is not empty |
{ "records": { "updated": [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" } } ] }, "message": "Record(s) Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "created": [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" } } ] }, "message": "Record(s) Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }
Use this API to fetch the records of a Table in the Base, that matches the given criteria or record IDs. Get view specific details of those records by giving view ID in the request.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.READ
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View ID Note : View User must provide viewID. When a view ID is provided, additional information, such as height and visibility, is included in the response |
criteria | string | If criteria is not set, all available records will get fetched(max 500). Mention the criteria as described below. |
first_match_only | boolean | By default it is false. If true and if there are multiple records on the specified criteria, records will be fetched for first match alone. Otherwise, all the matched records will be fetched. |
is_case_sensitive | boolean | By default it is true. Can be set as false for case-insensitive search. Note : Field names and conditions should be case-sensitive. This case-sensitive and case-insensitive search only applicable for the values in the criteria whose field type is any of the following : Text, URL, Email, Attachment, Link and Lookup if linked using any one of previously mentioned field types |
is_ids_used_in_params | boolean | By default it is false. Can be set as true if the field is specified by "ID" in criteria. |
reference_record_id | string | Reference record ID. Note:Data fetch begins from the provided Record ID. If the specified record ID is not present, the fetch process begins from the first record ID matched criteria. |
count | int | No of records to fetch - max 500 (default 500) |
record_ids | JSONArray | record IDs as array for fetching records.You can add up to 500 IDs in this array. Note : you can give record IDs instead of criteria for fetching records.Record IDs have more precedence than criteria. The parameters first_match_only, is_case_sensitive, is_ids_used_in_params, reference_record_id, and count are specifically applicable when using criteria exclusively. |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Fields | Condition Types |
Numeric, Autonumber, Percentage, Rating, Currency, Formula and rollup field if return type is Number, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, <, <=, >, >=, is empty, is not empty |
URL, Email, Text, Attachment, Collaborator, PhoneNumber, Multi Select, Single Selection, CheckBox, Created by, Modified by, Keyword extraction, Language detection, Sentiment, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, contains, does not contains, starts with, ends with, is empty, is not empty |
Date, Created time, Modified Time, Formula and rollup field if return type is date, Link and Lookup if leaf field type is one of the above | equals (or) =, not equals (or) !=, is empty, is not empty |
{ "records": { "fetched": [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" }, "visibility" : "true", //optional - if view_id provided "height" : 20.0 //optional - if view_id provided }, { "recordID": "r2", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data for field f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data for field f2" }, "visibility" : "false", //optional - if view_id provided "height" : 20.5 //optional - if view_id provided } ] }, "message": "Record(s) Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Records", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get all the fields and its details for a specific Table in a Base. Get view specific details of those fields by giving view_id in the request.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.READ
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Summary type | Number |
None | 0 |
Empty | 1 |
Filled | 2 |
Unique | 3 |
Percent-Filled | 4 |
Percent-Empty | 5 |
Percent-Unique | 6 |
Sum | 7 |
Average | 8 |
Min | 9 |
Max | 10 |
Median | 11 |
Range | 12 |
Standard Deviation | 13 |
Histogram | 14 |
Checked | 15 |
Unchecked | 16 |
Percent-Checked | 17 |
Percent-Unchecked | 18 |
Date Range In Days | 19 |
Date Range In Months | 20 |
Earliest Date | 21 |
Latest Date | 22 |
Total Attachment Size | 23 |
{ "fields": { "fetched" : [ { "fieldID": "1", "name": "field-1", "type": "23", "typeComponents" : { "textCase" : 1 } "defaultValue" : "Hello" "visibility" : "true", //optional - if view_id provided "width" : 20.0, //optional - if view_id provided "summary" : { //optional - if view_id provided "type" : "7", "value" : "10" } }, { "fieldID": "2", "name": "field-2", "type": "3", "typeComponents" : { "initialValue" : 1.0, "stepSize" : 2.0, "prefix" : "Rs.", "suffix" : "only" } "visibility" : "false", //optional - if view_id provided "width" : 20.5, //optional - if view_id provided "summary" : { //optional - if view_id provided "type" : "0", "value" : "" } } ] }, "message": "Fields Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "fields": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Fields", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to add a new field to a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.CREATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
type | number | Field type |
Field type components can be added (as key value pair in the same request) based on the field type |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Note:- Default value for single selection field will be ignored during field creation, if given.
{ "fields": { "created" : [ { "fieldID": "1", "name": "field-1", "type": "6", "typeComponents" : { "symbol" : 10, "symbolPosition" : 2, "thousandSeparator" : 1, "precision" : 2 }, "defaultValue" : null } ] }, "message": "Fields Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "fields": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Fields", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to change name, type and/or type components of the field in a Table.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
field_name | string | Field name |
type * | number | Field type |
Field type components can be added (as key value pair in the same request) based on the field type |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "fields": { "updated" : [ { "fieldID": "1", "name": "field-1", "type": "15", "typeComponents" : { "precision" : 2, "thousandSeparator" : 0 }, "defaultValue" : "50" } ] }, "message": "Field(s) Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "fields": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Fields", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to remove a field from a Table in a Base.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.DELETE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "fields": { "deleted" : [ { "fieldID": "1", "name": "field-1" } ] }, "message": "Fields Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "fields": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Fields", "status": "failure" }
Field Type Constants | Number |
Attachments | 2 |
Auto-Number | 3 |
Created-Time | 5 |
Currency | 6 |
Date-Time | 7 |
9 | |
Modified-Time | 12 |
Number | 15 |
Percent | 16 |
Phone-Number | 17 |
Text | 23 |
Url | 24 |
CheckBox | 4 |
SingleSelection | 21 |
MultipleSelection | 13 |
Rating | 19 |
Formula | 10 |
Collaborator | 18 |
Created-By | 25 |
Modified-By | 26 |
Link | 30 |
Lookup | 27 |
Rollup | 31 |
Sentimental-Analysis | 32 |
Language-Detection | 33 |
Keyword-Extraction | 34 |
Field Type | Components | Component Type |
Auto-Number | initial_value | double |
step_size | double | |
prefix | string | |
suffix | string | |
Date-Time/Created-Time/ Modified-Time | date_format | int |
time_format | int | |
Currency | precision | int |
thousand_separator | int | |
symbol | int | |
symbol_position | int | |
default_value | string | |
Number | precision | int |
thousand_separator | int | |
default_value | string | |
Percent | precision | int |
thousand_separator | int | |
show_theme | int | |
default_value | string | |
Phone-Number | phone_number_format | String |
Text | text_case | int |
default_value | string | |
Checkbox | style | int |
color | String | |
default_value | boolean | |
Rating | style | int |
color | String | |
max_limit | int | |
SingleSelection | show_theme | int |
default_value | string | |
MultipleSelection | show_theme | int |
Email/URL | - | - |
Attachments | - | - |
Collaborator | multiple_value_support | int |
notify_members | int | |
Link | mirror_field_id | string |
restricted_to_view_id | string | |
relationship_direction | int | |
source_table_id | string | |
destination_table_id | string | |
Lookup | link_field_id | string |
mirror_field_id | string | |
Rollup | link_field_id | string |
mirror_field_id | string | |
formula_constant | int | |
Formula | formula_string | string |
return_formats | JsonArray | |
return_formats: [ { return_type, parameters : { it will change w.r.t return_type } } ] | int JsonObject | |
CreatedBy/ModifiedBy | - | - |
Sentimental-Analysis | source_field_id | string |
angry_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
disappointed_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
sarcastic_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
neutral_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
happy_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
extremely_happy_emotion_meta | JsonObject | |
JsonObject format: { emotion_name emoji_type } | string int | |
Language-Detection | source_field_id | string |
Keyword-Extraction | source_field_id | string |
max_number_of_keywords | int | |
restricted_keywords | JsonArray | |
JsonArray format: [ Keywords to be restricted ] | string |
COLORS: ["9277e7", "e568a5", "45b1d8", "6575da", "61be6a", "f19b4e", "d66060", "4c93fe", "e1a539", "68737c"]
Date Formats | Value |
EUROPE | 2 |
US | 3 |
ISO | 4 |
Time Formats | Value |
NONE | 0 |
HR24 | 1 |
HR12 | 2 |
Currency Symbols | Value |
USD | 1 |
EUR | 2 |
GBP | 3 |
JPY | 4 |
CAD | 5 |
AUD | 6 |
CNY | 7 |
CHF | 8 |
SGD | 9 |
INR | 10 |
ZAR | 11 |
Currency Symbol Position | Value |
FIRST | 2 |
LAST | 3 |
NONE | 5 |
Thousand Separator | Value |
Text Case | Value |
AS_ENTRY | 1 |
LOWER | 3 |
UPPER | 4 |
NONE | 0 |
ONE | 1 |
TWO | 2 |
THREE | 3 |
Rating Symbols | Value |
HEART | 1 |
STAR | 2 |
FLAG | 3 |
THUMB | 4 |
SMILY | 8 |
SHIELD | 9 |
CheckBox Symbols | Value |
HEART | 1 |
STAR | 2 |
FLAG | 3 |
THUMB | 4 |
BADGE | 6 |
Phone Number Format | Value |
CONTINUOUS | xxxxxxxxxx |
HYPHEN_SEPARATED | xxx-xxx-xxxx |
AREA_CODE_SEPARATION | xxx xxx-xxxx |
SPACE_SEPARATED | xxx xxx xxxx |
DOMESTIC | (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
Formula Return Types | Value |
STRING | 2 |
Formula Constants | Value |
COUNT | 34 |
COUNTA | 35 |
Formulas |
OR |
Expression | Type of emojis | Emoji type |
ANGRY | RAGE (😡) | 1 |
ANGRY (😠) | 2 | |
ANNOYED (😤) | 3 | |
DISAPPOINTED (😞) | 2 | |
SLEEPY (😪) | 3 | |
SARCASM | SMIRK (😏) | 1 |
UNAMUSED (😒) | 2 | |
UPSIDE_DOWN_FACE (🙃) | 3 | |
ZIPPER_MOUTH (🤐) | 3 | |
HAPPY | BLUSH (😊) | 1 |
HAPPY (☺️) | 2 | |
HALO_HAPPY (😇) | 3 | |
GRIN (😁) | 2 | |
JOY (😂) | 3 |
Use this API to add a new selection option in a Field.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.CREATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
selection_option_name | string | Selection Option Name |
selection_option_color | hex code | Selection Option Color |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "selectionOptions": { "created": [ { "fieldID": "2", "options": [ { "optionID": "1", "name": "True", "color": "0X66,60" } ] } ] }, "message": "Selection Option(s) Created Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "selectionOptions": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Create Selection Options", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to delete the selection option in a Field.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.DELETE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
selection_option_id * | string | Selection Option Id |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "selectionOptions": { "deleted": [ { "fieldID": "2", "options": [ { "optionID": "3", "name": "True", "color": "0X66,60" } ] } ] }, "message": "Selection Option(s) Deleted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "selectionOptions": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Delete Selection Options", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update the name and color of a selection option in a Field.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.fields.UPDATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
selection_option_id * | string | Selection Option Id |
selection_option_name | string | Selection Option Name |
selection_option_color | hex code | Selection Option Color |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "selectionOptions": { "updated": [ { "fieldID": "2", "options": [ { "optionID": "3", "name": "True", "color": "0X66,60" } ] } ] }, "message": "Selection Option(s) Updated Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "selectionOptions": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Update Selection Options", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to get the list of all records and its data for a specific Table in a Base. Get view specific details of those records by giving view_id in the request.
oauthscope : ZohoTables.records.READ
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
record_id | string | Reference record id |
count | int | No of records to fetch - max 500 |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "records": { "fetched" : [ { "recordID": "r1", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data in field id f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data in field id f2" }, "visibility" : "true", //optional - if view_id provided "height" : 20.0 //optional - if view_id provided }, { "recordID": "r2", "data": { "fieldID(f1)": "data in field id f1", "fieldID(f2)": "data in field id f2" }, "visibility" : "false", //optional - if view_id provided "height" : 20.5 //optional - if view_id provided } ] }, "message": "Records Fetched Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "records": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Fetch Records", "status": "failure" }
Use this API to update a field's value of a Record in a Table in a Base.
oauthscope :,ZohoFiles.files.ALL,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE,ZohoCliq.Webhooks.CREATE
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id * | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id Note : View User must provide viewID |
record_id * | string | Record Id |
field_id * | string | Field Id |
data * | string | Data |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
{ "cells": { "submitted" : { "fieldID" : "f0", "recordID" : "r0", "data" : "zoho", "validity" : true } }, "message": "Cell Values Submitted Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "cells": { "error": { "code": "<<<error code>>>", "message" : "<<<error message>>>" } }, "message": "Error in Submit Cell Values", "status": "failure" }
404 | INVALID ID(S) |
Use this API to export the base/table/view
oauthscope : ZohoTables.bases.READ,ZohoTables.tables.READ,ZohoTables.views.READ,WorkDrive.files.ALL
base_id * | string | Base Id |
table_id | string | Table Id |
view_id | string | View Id |
scope* | string | base|table|view |
file_type* | string | csv|xls|xlsx|tsv|ics |
password | string | To get Password protected file |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
Scope | Supported FileTypes |
base | xlsx |
table | csv|tsv|xlsx |
view | calendar - ics, others - xlsx |
File will be download
Use this API to import the base/table from the files
oauthscope : ZohoTables.import.CREATE,WorkDrive.teamfolders.ALL,WorkDrive.files.ALL,ZohoTables.webhooks.UPDATE
import_scope * | string | base|table |
portal_id * | string | Portal ID - Mandatory if, import_scope == base |
workspace_id * | string | Workspace ID -Mandatory if, import_scope == base |
base_id * | string | Base ID - Mandatory if, import_scope == table |
import_file * | file | xls|xlsx|xlsm|ods|csv|tsv|accdb|mdb. Max file size: 5MB |
Note: Params with * are mandatory
BASE IMPORT { "bases": { "imported" : [ { "baseID": "1", "name": "base-1", "icon" : 1, "color" : "6575da" } ] }, "message": "Bases Imported Successfully", "status": "success" } TABLE IMPORT { "tables": { "imported" : [ { "tableID": "1", "name": "table-1", "recordsCount": 28, "fieldsCount": 12 }, ] }, "message": "Tables Imported Successfully", "status": "success" }
{ "error" : { "code" : 400 "message" : "FILE HAS EMPTY CONTENT" } }
Hey! Click here to test Zoho Tables API services.